11-Point ChatGPT Roadmap: Navigating the Future for Content Creators

Here’s how to leverage chatGPT in your content (instead of viewing it as the enemy).

For the past two weeks, I’ve been exploring chatGPT (launched Nov. 30, 2022) and Google’s new EEAT algorithm.

EEAT: experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trust.

Did you notice the newly added word to the algorithm? “Experience.”

You’ll see its importance below and its direct connection to generic, AI-generated content.

Personal experience will be your content’s best friend in this new AI world.

11 ways to embrace and navigate the AI landscape:

1. “Experience” is in.

2. “Content” is out.

3. “Experience is king” is in.

4. “Content is king” is out.

5. Faking it with generic content is out.

6. First-person POV will be the biggest factor in Google deciding AI vs. human-created content. (Penalties for AI content will be implemented.)

7. Google will now rank and reward personal experiences higher than generic content. If you have genuine experience in a subject, Google will want to know it, and your audience, too. The more you can personalize your content through your experiences, the better it will be for your audience, your SEO, and Google.

8. OpenAI is working on watermarking the content, so we know which content is AI-generated. “My main project so far has been a tool for statistically watermarking the outputs of a text model like GPT. Basically, whenever GPT generates some long text, we want there to be an otherwise unnoticeable secret signal in its choices of words, which you can use to prove later that, yes, this came from GPT.” Scott Aaronson, OpenAI

9. Your reputation will matter more than ever before. If anyone can create generic content, how will anyone stand out? What will be your reputation? How will you show your expertise?

10. Understand your audience’s goals and problems. Then, create content that resonates for them. Remember—chatGPT can’t know what you know.

11. Put these tips into practice, because AI can’t.
- Interview experts for in-depth content.
- Produce videos.
- Produce podcasts.
- Produce webinars.
- Integrate testimonials/quotes from experts.
- Study the structure and flow of copy.
- Know the specific goals and needs of your audience.
- Integrate emotions and psychology.
- Your experience matters. Demonstrate it.
- Generate a list of questions. Customize it.
- Generate a list of titles. Customize it.
- Generate outlines. Customize it.

Reports of duplicate content from similar prompts have been reported.

That means you better revise all the content AI spits out if you’re going to publish it.

► 7 key takeaways from Google’s 2/8/203 blog post, “Google Search's guidance about AI-generated content.”

✅ What can you do that chatGPT can’t do?

That is the secret to embracing and navigating AI.


Need a hand writing your B2B (ChatGPT-free) content?

Contact me for a free, 60-minute discovery call and writing demo.

Thomas Clifford