How to Humanize Your B2B Marketing (for Business Owners and Marketers)

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How can B2B marketers humanize their marketing?

By taking a tip from Errol Morris.

Errol Morris is an Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker known for The Fog of War, A Brief History of Time, The Thin Blue Line, and other outstanding documentaries.

Errol has a unique way of capturing penetrating interviews from his on-camera subjects

His secret?

He uses a device he invented called the Interrotron.

The Interrotron is a complex device that uses multiple cameras and modified teleprompters.

It creates the effect of the interviewee talking directly to the audience

This technique is mesmerizing because it captures the raw emotions of people.

The Interrotron humanizes the filmmaking process

What does this have to do with marketing your B2B consultancy?

As marketers, we want to humanize our copy, right?

The question is: how do we do that?

The answer is: modify Errol’s approach.

Audio record your interviews.

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Audio recording interviews captures the raw emotions directly from your subjects

Audio humanizes your marketing.

That’s because audio captures the exact words your audience can relate to.

Once you’ve transcribed the audio and edited the copy, you’ll have unique content to share with your audience.

You may not be an Oscar-winning filmmaker

You may not have an Interrotron.

But you do have an audio recorder, right?